Jesus saw satan fall like lightning–the true meaning of Luke 10:18

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What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email The explanation of Luke 10:18 and its meaning It is an exciting story. Jesus has given power to seventy two and the flip a city upside down. The crowd is astonished. Jesus explains to his disciples that He saw satan fall like lightning. What does this verse mean? […]

Jesus Coming In The Clouds?

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What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Jesus Coming In The Clouds…what does it mean? There are so many prophecies, dreams and visions surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with the specific image of Jesus coming in the clouds. Many Christians have often thought that they were the generation that would be alive during this epic […]

Enhancing Your Bible Study: Essential Tips for Deepening Your Understanding

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What You’ll Learn Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email 5 Quick Tips When Studying The Bible Choose a Study Bible: Using a study Bible can be extremely helpful as it provides additional explanations, cross-references, and footnotes to aid your understanding of the text. Some popular study Bibles include the NASB study Bible, ESV Study Bible, and the […]

3 Extraordinary Church Online Platforms

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The Breakdown The Best Church Online Platforms To Experience Jesus In A Digital Age Church is a very different place in this day and age. The days of attending an actual building, will always be here to stay, but are dwindling down a bit. The reason for this is that in this age of communication […]

Attending Church Online | 2 Definitive Ways To Stay Connected

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The Breakdown You don’t have to feel lost When Attending Church Online I know I am not the only one who has heard this before and I totally understand. Attending Church in person seems normal because it is what we are used to but attending Church online is a whole new ball game. You may […]

3 Profound Pros and Cons Of The Future Church Online

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Watching Church Online | Quick Hits It’s the way of the future Connect With People All Over The World You can make it personal Not the same connection when you are there in person You can’t replace the in person atmosphere Where is everyone? Is Church online the way of the future? The simple answer […]

Deliverance for the 21st Century Church | Apostle Johnny Ova

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“The Setting Free” Sermon Series 4 Powerful Deliverance Sermons | Apostle Johnny Ova Throughout the course of humanity, God has always made a way for His people to be delivered from the bondages in that seek to hold them captive.  In the 21st century, the Almighty Father still gives those who trust Him a path […]



ANSWER: 2 Kings 1:18 tells us that Beelzebub was the name of a Philistine god that was supposedly ruling the city of Akron. It was a false god that the Philistines say would oppose Yahweh, the one true God, which is why some attribute the name Beelzebub to Satan.  Overview Who is Beelzebub? Beelzebub in […]

What is Agape love?

what is agape love

What is Agape Love? The Love of God When thinking about love you naturally think about a lot of things. We think of the loving our parents, our spouse, our kids, our friends, bologna and cheese sandwiches (that’s all Jason…haha!) Even though we use the same word, love, to describe all of these situations it […]

What Does Selah Mean?

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Quick Overview Selah is a musical word that means, “to praise” or “to pause and reflect upon what has just been said” Selah is only mentioned in the Psalms God put “Selah” in the Bible for a reason… Learn how to apply the essence of “Selah” in your everyday life Have you ever read Psalms […]