Who Created God?

who created god

Who Created God? When searching out the existence of a Higher Power, many questions come to mind.  A very common question among the curious individual and the skeptic alike is around how the existence of a Creator “came about”.  If God created everything, then who created God? You may even be a Christian and pondered […]

Why is God Hidden?

Why is God Hidden? 1

Why Is God Hidden? A popular question for those wondering about the existence of a Creator is Why is God Hidden?  On the surface, it seems like a logical thing to ask.  Why wouldn’t God be more obvious to our 5 senses? First, it’s important to realize that as a transcendental and spiritual being, He would […]

Why is Prayer Important? 4 powerful reasons.

Why is Prayer Important? 4 powerful reasons. 2

Why is Prayer Important? Many of us grew up with our parents reminding us, “Make sure to say your prayers.”  Others may have never been encouraged to pray, but have heard that people do as an important part of their day.  Either case can lead us to ask the question, Why is prayer important? First, it’s […]

Did Jesus Claim to Be God?

Did Jesus Claim to Be God Featured

Did Jesus Claim to be God? Throughout the world, there are opposing beliefs about the identity of Jesus. The Christian

What Does it Mean to be Born Again?

what does it mean to be born again

What does it mean to be born again? The term “born again” can be found in the Bible in describing a change that takes place the moment someone makes a decision to pursue God through Jesus Christ. But what does this really mean?

What is an Apostolic Church?

What is an apostolic church Featured

Understanding the Apostolic Church What is an Apostolic church? For many that have been brought up in what is considered