Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis 1

Identity Crisis The following is an article by Reverend Robert Miller Do you really know who you are? “Well, of

The Cracked Pot

The Cracked Pot 2

The Cracked Pot Here is an article based upon the moral, “The Cracked Pot” by Russ Sacco Don’t Underestimate a

Did Jesus Claim to Be God?

Did Jesus Claim to Be God Featured

Did Jesus Claim to be God? Throughout the world, there are opposing beliefs about the identity of Jesus. The Christian

What Does it Mean to be Born Again?

what does it mean to be born again

What does it mean to be born again? The term “born again” can be found in the Bible in describing a change that takes place the moment someone makes a decision to pursue God through Jesus Christ. But what does this really mean?

What is an Apostolic Church?

What is an apostolic church Featured

Understanding the Apostolic Church What is an Apostolic church? For many that have been brought up in what is considered