Sound of Heaven


What is Foundations?

One of the most overlooked aspects of the Great Commission is discipleship. There is so much emphasis on evangelism that we forget an equally important part…after we lead someone to Jesus…now what!? 

This is why we put together a “Foundations” program. This course is a one-on-one training with one of the Vitals members of Sound of Heaven. You will meet on hour per week (same day and time), for 12 weeks to go over the core fundamental beliefs of Christianity and Sound of Heaven. 

We will cover all aspects of Christianity, the Bible, Jesus, missions, your calling, and how to get there! 

Register for Foundations

What is covered in the Foundation Course?

Week 1 – The Church

Week 2 – 5-Fold Ministry

Week 3 – Salvation through Jesus

Week 4 – Mission

Week 5 – Overcoming Adversity

Week 6 – Covenants

Week 7 – Sola Scriptura

Week 8 – Worship

Week 9 – Giving

Week 10 – The End Times

Week 11 – Spiritual Gifts

Week 12 – Discipleship